The Car Guys
Know you. Bring them mysteries.
They will interpret the signs.
Sinister gathering of leaders—messengers—who sent them?
The Queen of the Netherlands
An American governor
A family begat in oil
Met in public to talk in secret.
To whom did they report back
With the underwear of victory?
I would be here
In name before ninja
Proving nirvana
With the newspaper test
Could be here
A real witch in the craft
Where graces karate
The dead
Cataclysm's universe
—Founded a foundation of abstruse flowers—A clearance sale on secrets—
—Newspapers without governments—
—The word of the Lord is a two-way spin—
—Targets everywhere—Hunters—
—Protractor claims—Inopportune obituaries—
—The wave signature of the afternoon—
—One word that means everything—One sound that says everything—
—My country in a thong—
—You're in my hair like lice—
Nature wears
a mini skirt
torn panties &
if you peek she
kicks your ass
Her no-fly zone
to a superempower
No cover songs sung
at her coffee house
open mic
or else
ASCAP lawsuits her bankrupt
"My mind swims up from depths
daily to the ignorant shore
to bask in certitude's warm sun"
Fail to publish nine new poems yearly in peer-review journals
(equal to publishing one peer-reviewed article about a poem)
and her employment contract is not renewed.
Nicholas Karavatos is an assistant professor in the Department of English at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. He holds degrees from Humboldt State University and New College of California. He is the author of No Asylum (Amendment Nine, 2009).