The organizers of the Electronic Media/Spaces of Encounter Conference at the Centro GAM in Santiago de Chile asked me to create an artwork/digital poem in response to the papers and presentations. I often find theory and its heavy words, thick descriptions, twisting and self-congratulatory to be painful, at odds with my own creative wanderings. So, I created a series of video artworks, recording my marking up, rethinking, poetically destroying/tagging other's abstracts. Here you will find a tumble of phrases, clanging and bouncing and falling works, available by double clicking the images. Play, watch and be lost.
Born from the Oklahoma flatlands of farmers and spring thunderstorms, Jason Nelson somehow stumbled into creating awkward and wondrous digital poems and interactive stories of odd lives, building confounding art games and all manner of curious digital creatures. Aside from coaxing his students into breaking, playing and morphing their creativity with all manner of technologies, he exhibits widely in galleries and journals, with work featured around globe at FILE, ACM, LEA, ISEA, ACM, ELO and dozens of other acronyms.
There are awards to list, organizational boards he frequents, and numerous other accolades, but in the web based realm where his work resides, Jason is most proud of the millions of visitors his artwork/digital poetry portal attracts each year.