"With Eyes as Blue as Ice Picks She's" and "New Directons"

With Eyes Blue as Ice Picks She's

ready to entertain kidneys and liver, 
our girl. some days 
she goes by Sunny.
only shoots up when she 
feels like it, twice 
she’s got dozens of afterlives, 
to bugles, cornets, 
the rumpled rustle of Jolly Roger
is her bed sheet. Sunny 
bites her
dirty fingernails, 
busks at the marketplace on 
weekends, unless
it’s raining, when she’s 
moonshine pickpocket.
it doesn’t matter 
that her cracked ukulele is missing a string.



New Directions

Haircut, all of ‘em
Wash your feet once a
Reject insurance
Chickenshit advice
Follow it
Ride BART to the bottom of the barrel of the sea
Upload dementia
Procure medicinal herbs
From some
Vacant lot homie
Slap a certain special
Buy a pretzel at one of those Union Square
Hot dog stands
Offer it to
Give it up
All of it,
Enough to
Rob a fucking bank
And spend the winnings
In escape



Jay Passer

Jay Passer, resident and native of San Francisco, has had work in print and online, appear all over the globe since 1988. He is the author of ten chapbooks, a few still available on Amazon.


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Monday, July 2, 2018 - 11:30