The Bookstore --> Shane Jones

Maybe Tomorrow is the latest chapbook from Shane Jones, the young man with more publishing credits than he knows how to identify with. It's $3 with a color cover from Boneworld Publishing. Mike Basinski, at, said this about it:

A nice chunk of collection by one our youngest and best. Shane Jones is one of those rare poets for whom poetry is living. Frightening how close to the fallen and sparking electric lines of heart and soul he comes. Melding in fact. This book divided into three sections: Moister or less clothes, the sweetness of love - smell and puddles of robins, bunny slippers; and the crumbling toast of a burned out love smothered with rancid butter and hard cream cheese… and horrible fact that memory does something to old romances - makes you remember only the crickets, the ice cream, the wonder of Niagara Falls etc. See what fools we all are. But we see through these windows and Shane Jones keeps them open.

To order this book, send $3US to Boneworld Publishing, John and Nancy Berbrich, 3700 County Route 24, Russell, NY 13684.