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Accountability calling to claim a name
What you see before you
is no more than my favorite spoof.
I pulled my soul off the soap box
silence among the congregation
as the world churns.
hungry for one more spoonful
of self-servicing
menial labor.
polarized polities
a monophonic sigh to monopolize
the “right” to life.
for the beauty that could liquefy
three of the five
for the truth
that could puree St. Augustine’s
third leg.
lips cling to what your
will. demands that you eat
it was merely meiosis
not the
synthetic sap saturated
sugar gloss
to be blamed
for the sin
by the sinner.
the noose
news knows the neck to stretch
crawl back to your cross.
The divine director
was no more than
the village idiot
who fell in love with
the immaculate misconception.
the pretentiousness of a savior
the piety of aiding “those in need”
makes the saint hold hands with audacity:
to paste stamp
weakness, dependence on the core of a being
unperceived superiority complex?
we will fashion you obsolete
when self-reliance
when “the self”
becomes the 5 minute trend
commercials won’t
save me from cut-throats
who would hold me
perhaps on the ground
where the hypocrisy sprouts like
an epidemic of five leaf clover
with a bout of stagnation
constipate consideration
Sincerity certainly can milk me
a river of gold
a stairmaster to heaven
from slit wrists
rubber checks
and broken backs
like Virago on top
face to fact
georgie peeping through the key hole
no need to pussy-foot
around molestation, invasion, degradation
innocence- can we lose what is not found?
naiveté- in the dark I won’t fear your seduction
purity- in the montage
all in one click of a world soul’s remote control.
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