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it isn't true
what your mother said.
that i am nothing
but disaster
covered in pretty.
i have never
tried to out-
maneuver any man
into doing something
he didn't want to do,
hadn't already thought about
or tried
on somebody else.
so, i get on well,
that doesn't mean
i'm a difficult case
or a frown on the face
i bear the brunt
of all perceptions
amicably, like i was born to trouble.
i know my actions
speak in tainted tongue,
i just don't
make a stink about them,
i don't heavy weather
my past
or drown
my circumstance
(outstretched like the arms of a martyr)
so, you decide,
all by yourself
whether or not
you want to know me.
and once you do
run hard with it,
run fast, don't look back,
don't hesitate,
and for God's sake
don't fall.
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