Unlikely Stories Presents

ROBERTA McQUEEN can be your prince or pauper

To the Unlikely Stories home pageUsing whimsey and unpredictablity as her weapons, Roberta McQueen has a point to make about everyday life. With light and pleasant verse, she skewers our values and assumptions, leaving us smiling just before we understand the bomb she's just hit us with. You'll love the five pieces she presents here.

Roberta says, "I have been writing poetry most of my life. I have a chapbook available for $5.00 plus $1.00 shipping and handling. It is called Independence." Drop her a line about that, or any other issue, at rmcqueen@suffolk.lib.ny.us.

Roberta's works here at Unlikely Stories are:

Tune in Tomorrow
Brief Introspection
Bubble Wrap Mania
Little Red Moccasins
Ask Any Angel