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Menthol Cigarettes
Mother smoked menthols, keeping a couple packs open
so she could not tell the size of her habit.
She'd pick her lip reading Cussler and King --
tv droning a background night;
Mother never slept much. Menthol creeping ghosts
drifting about her house.
I'd lay awake wondering what made her unhappy,
kept her smoking, reading in dull unnoticeable light.
Mother, a mystery three or four notches better than
her chocolate smeared paperbacks.
Mother, a question mark print muumuu, bunned hair,
secluded - midnight lonely.
Summer night menthol smoke drifting out and in through
window screens, hugging the side of her house,
mingling with honeysuckle, hanging in my room ethereal,
a harbinger of insomniac nights and my own smoky ghosts.
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