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at work one day, my manager was putting products on the shelves with a baseball cap on.
he was listening to the game. he drank a lot of coffee. he looked like he was at
raptures at work. he had me putting up hair products. the night before, i had smoked a lot of
weed and ate food. when i woke up, i drank a giant glass of prune juice and water. and smoke
cigarettes. i took a shit before i went to work. at work i had to shit. i took an enormous shit
and the toilet flooded. shit was all over the floor.
my manager created a competitive workplace.
i hated competition, but if pressed hard enough i would play along. i left the mess and sat in
stock smoking and reading something. a few minutes later, the gentle and sensitive pharmacist
walked into the room saying to manager "I can't use the men's restroom. It's a mess in there!"
manager looked up, then took swift coffee steps into the bathroom. i went out and started
to screw around with products, putting them anywhere, my shoulders slumped. a few minutes later
and manager came from the bathroom. he looked a little less happy. 
"did you use the bathroom?
"i used the ladies, men's looked messy
"listen, Kurt Lee, next time you see something like that-
gadda tell me. mk?
"ok, sorry
"well, next time i'll make you clean it up. 
he smiled
i went and did something.
the job reminds me strikingly of winesburg, ohio.
since that's already been written, ill just end it here.

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