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the Panama Francis Big Band in Washington Square Park - Contemporary Poetry # 2
        - "everybody wants to be a nigger until they become one."

1. good humor

   i'll carve you like a new tombstone the little girl thought eating her penis shaped cherry pop
                stompin' on her cherry pop            i'll carve you    she thought

2. a toast

   don't be so modest   you're amongst friends   night's allowed
   sing me like a cicada    cloud first   like a cloud onto the cloudy pavement
   shake me like a foot   in oncoming darkness   roll my shoulders   like a ballroom
   full of elegant dancers    & glide me along the floor of this ex slave block
   like the man  the woman  you are    black/white tapestry   melting of middle agelessness
   turning past the lighter side of day     night caresses me like a new tombstone
   a dancing housecoat   speak  low     into this   if you cannot sing
   bring me  back        back to the ballroom & the polar

3. night closes, its hues

                           it's easy
                           ya do it once
                           ya do it every day
                           it don't mean nothin'

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