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Silence: This is it. And no first thoughts were coming to mind, either. Such a simple mechanical/physical process. A bolt goes through a fitted hole and that is all there is to it. No ominous symphony music. Just one little view, a two-second event. It happened, has just happened. It is unbelievable that it has happened. He looks around. Small. He does not bother to go to look to see what is beyond the bars. It is important to develop an M.O., a sense of how to feel about all this, somehow get a handle on it. Nothing comes to mind except a sense of the weight of it all. Emotions, no, the possibility of emotions cross his mind- sad, passive, rage, ect. But they seem somehow petty and useless, thinner than water, perpetually being steamrolled in his mind by an omnipresent iron jaw. In a cage, in an institution, a sub-industry of life, grey, ugly and too real. Try to relax. He sits on the mattress. His shoulders curl in towards his knees. He closes his eyes. Okayokayokay