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Sunrise, Portland Maine
Seeking a self contained universe,
A poet at his desk, be it
opium resin
a pencil
and blank paper
Or a lampshadeless fluorescent
The static glow of a high resolution monitor
And a keyboard stained from Winston ashes
Falling between the keys
A poet at his desk
drunk again spinning
classical music spinning
the closed eye anger
A poet at his desk better get used to it.
First of all there’s been nothing here
Portland Maine
Pyramids of beer cans
glowing like millennial advertisements
Lots of solitary
and shadows and so forth
I don’t want any of it.
And I haven’t been around long enough to
say I hate it all
But percentages
have been known to dictate
A poet at his desk
Telling himself one more time
the countdown has officially begun
and a new life is waking
but hitting the snooze
one more time
and one bottle of Scotch later
thanking myself
that I don’t use my turn at the mic to bitch
The sun still rises
over the Holiday Inn
And all of a sudden I’ve got
to exchange snide glares with
All the turnpike turns
And lane changes
that bring me south to the city
again perch me on top of crumbled stone
and gutted apartments,
my eyes peering over TV antennas into the bay,
hinting at their confidence
in brilliance spewed off party balconies
echoing off of empty beer cans
dolled out to the chosen few
who know the price of what they want
A poet at his desk knows
Depression is the result of being unprepared
A poet at his desk
writing again
tells himself one more time
that resolution is just a plot twist
sought by the disinterested
the closed eye anger
See what he does with it
Now that he’s gotten it back
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