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Whispers Where is the finish line? I would give anything to discover it; for it seems as though this race would be defined quite nicely if only someone would point out how a person could succinctly finish and complete the effort. Who is this daemon who drives me furiously to accumulate always more? Enough is a word never granted by spirit, and as soon as a goal is achieved it becomes boring within a day or two. One would think I could readily control desires so easily identified then described quite neatly on a page, but like any other disease, identity does not bring a quick healing. Instead it presents a mocking whisper to underline the need to acquire more, then asks, 'where indeed is the finish line?'
Will and Ariel Durant (1885-1981 and 1898-1981) wrote in "The History of Civilization," how "Every vice was once a virture, necessary in the struggle for existence; it became a vice only when it survived the condition that made it indispensable; a vice, therefore, is not an advanced form of behavior, but usually an atavistic throwback to ancient and superceded ways."