In 2004 president Bush is re-elected. I am a whore on a street corner in San Francisco dressed in leather and watching the primaries on television through the eyes of Mickey Rourke. These are the words of Deborah Harry as she remembers her punk-rock roots. These are my thoughts on the campaign of pain called election filtered through the voice of first person from an omnipotent narrator called "self". Self is merely another word for shit, where my asshole meets my eyes. I see myself as a prophet, George Bush, and that is why I rule the nation with an iron fist in the form of my sphincter stretched open to release the bowels of national debt into the sewer of my own mind. I have been infected with the terror of anthrax:
Because I don't know who I am anymore, I turn on the television. Because I am lost in a sea of poverty, the television reminds me of my uselessness. I decide that because I am nothing I will go on welfare and sell my body, which is all I have left after the republican war nation cut my taxes in half leaving me with no way to pay my way out of the jail of my eyes. I am on television because I am no one the news has decided that I was worth a story of not an hour but of a few seconds, showing the devastation of the democratic capitalistic pigs. Television is propaganda for the agencies of government to feel their way inside my flesh like a whore who says yes for nothing, I open my mind and slide the information of light into my self. I am no longer a virgin and I like it.
Now that I am a homeless whore, I am still glued to the television inside of windows of shops where I can never afford to buy anything but the basic essentials that my government tells me I don't need anyway because I am poor and worthless because the republican war nation cut my taxes into pieces and I cannot afford to feed my family and children are starving because there are no black people on Friends, and we all know that there really are no black people in New York city because poverty is the myth of the democrats and only the republican war nation rules with an iron fist like a Machiavellian novel. I am now a homosexual because I have no other choice than to become what I hate most, the insanity of ignorance.
I take drugs. Since Nancy Reagan ruined the drug culture in the mid to late 80s, I am a gay heroin addict. I am again on TV because fame is a beast that can only be tamed like a sassy maiden; television is a shrew, and I am too obtuse for its constraining mediums of light and technology so I steal a computer from Wal-mart. Corporate sponsorship is destroying our history piece by piece as the republican war nation learns to walk not crawl I find myself trapped on television because I am a star on Jerry Springer. Am I too crazy to understand that my drug addiction has caused the demise of health in the form of a plague mass? Money is the root of everything beautiful and fame is the only solution to my loneliness that is an escape from myself.
I am a cadaver. Because I am dead, I am president. Because I am president, I am a rock n' roll star. Because I am a star, I am on TV again. Because I am on TV, I have no reason to live because there is nothing beyond riverboat gambling. I decide to become a serial killer because, like in Hollywood movies, I understand that if I really want to be in the history books, not just a moment of light into the eyes of information, that I must do something even more infamous that sing rock n' roll or design fashion. I decide to create genocide, and I suicide myself. I am no longer, nor was I ever, Mickey Rourke.
I move to Iraq. The heat of the desert makes me the insanity of ignorance. The republican war nation makes me dead in my own mind, not a legend. So I kill. I kill and I kill and I kill and I kill and the money keeps rolling in and in and in. I decide to become a legend so I reincarnate myself in the form of Christianity. I want to be forever, so I re-elect myself. I become, again, Deborah Harry and my breasts are on national television in front of small children and old women. I am offended and I turn to my government to demand retribution because I am stupid I shit all over myself in the form of politics. And I keep asking questions.
I forget I am poor and I shop at Gucci. Because Gucci is a publicly traded company, I own stock in it and so the more money I spend at Gucci, the more money I make myself. I don't see my own money coming back to me, so I look into the television a bit closer. I wonder why I see myself in flashes of light for only moments at a time in the form of news flashes. In these flashes, I am raping small children because it is the most hideous thing that I can do, and I want to do what is most hideous because I want my rock n' roll song to climb to number one so the Christians will re-elect me. I kill entire lands of people on paper just small children on playgrounds who I fuck up the ass with my AIDS cock. It should cure the disease of heterosexism, but it doesn't, so I look closer into television in the hopes that George Bush will find me attractive and suckle my transsexual breasts with his lips of lies around my nipples drinking the blood of me. I am the blood of nations upon nations of war. This is what I can and cannot do. This is what I can and cannot do.
I see a dog fucking another dog in the middle of the street as pull up to a stop sign in my Chrysler K-car. I have helped save another dying conglomerate with my purchase, which is not political but helps to support the oppression of third world nations around the globe. These dogs are linked because the cock of the male dog is swollen and thorny and inside the ass of the other dog, whose cock is swollen and thorny. I am reminded of bastard children as I think about President Bush and Deborah Harry together in the road like that. My AIDS cock is hard because on television I have become light. Slowly, it and all of this are one. Slowly, the dogs are biting at each other and I am laughing because children are dead in the streets. Abortion fetuses everywhere, doctors probe the anus of tax relief. Shit splatters in front of my car, whose windshield is a TV screen and I am pure light.
Bill Berry says, "My writing tends to focus on queer issues and has been called transgressive. I like to being political with my stories. I am always interested in how the political and the personal coincide and collide. I like to explore the concept of identity and how it is created and/or manipulated through language. While I try to be an interesting and entertaining writer, I am intrigued by the idea of who is reading my work, and I want my audience to feel challenged by what they experience."