Building on the Past remained on Unlikely 2.0 for one year, then was removed for reasons of space. Please check out Justin Cone's web site.
Building on the Past features extensive footage from the Prelinger Archive, a massive repository of public-domain films that can be used by anyone for any purpose.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.
Justin is a designer/animator in Austin, Texas, where he works for Enspire Learning, a Flash-based e-learning company. In 2004, Building on the Past was awarded first prize in the Creative Commons' Moving Images Contest. It has since been distributed around the world in an effort to raise awareness about Creative Commons and the stifling intellectual property restrictions associated with US copyright law.
Some of Justin's other work can be seen on his site, He also runs Tween, a grassroots news site dedicated to promoting new and innovative motion graphics, animation and digital filmmaking projects.
This is a QuickTime movie, and might act strangely if you have not installed QuickTime.