Just let me say that when you arrive in my country on a dark street with all your drugs and nothing to do but walk down the main street towards the zocalo we will pantomime meaning to get meaning across to you it will be exhausting the black smog in the open market looking for a place to eat we find a side alley filled with smoke the smell of human flesh carne asada and chorizo on the grill looking out over the ruins spread across the mountaintops it's true the losers were murdered but the murals are beautiful and the skulls are made of sugar and coffee and beer and weed to drink and smoke on your long journey to and from the afterlife god will protect you when others try to exploit you burn the incense and eat the bread all the ingredients are assembled now place the fruit and plates and candles and flower petals for the souls to follow you home it will be beautiful we can't wait.
i wanna talk about it in terms of structural common elements assemblies primarily for commercial corporate military-normous money gaps that occur between the dollar and the yen worked together with other bits and pieces don't worry it's just a neighbor let him have it air falling air contaminants in united mexico canada asia europe south america state with emotional psychological cries and multiple camera angles we are all dying with the sun coming up and going down even the slaves have narrative structures perhaps thirty pounds lost during space heaters and cold weather and cooking stoves this is daily life not just some me that's separate from the community unoriginal equipment from a long line of flat rolled floggers and member with-drawers you can't get a moral message from this that's beyond control and subject to change don't buy or sell any security genesis was never seen by anybody actually throbbing gristle while a whole concert liquidated our market capital-ration what then are the possibilities your life with some bit of knowledge is basically impossible keep a keen eye focused on your tastes wait patiently for reasonable to appear like chance without any governmental support or homoerotic external auditor disappointed still a vibrant class and if we should live up in the hills well it's difficult because people as recently as a week ago hang around the stalls their balls up their cunts sex has a limited vocabulary in prison however at twenty times earning it's always good to hear the difference between listening and when i'm like some kind of conglomerate free from the body if you have any questions ask the arabs or the chinese or the egyptians paper doesn't appear in europe until the 12th century the rhine is a great big sewer excluded forever beautiful we are going to die as we grow older if we invest fifty bucks they'll end up with one thousands dollar hide that dirty bloody pad the world's gonna die so fuck you i'm curled up with a big fat novel and lulling away the day reading and masturbating this is the sort of life i lead the second line below provides information about the hypothetical value and hypothetical actual transactional 600 page novel i'm not clever enough to write my main sexual relationship is with a motorcycle i don't even own i could've gotten even higher jesus i look exactly like my horrible father trapped somber like othello we live in a period i think damm the dogs and camels stop sleeping with your sisters and brothers behind the kitchen door the directors have determined that the nature and extent of service is excellent and favors a renewal of govermental agreements whereas sex is quick wash your hands and position your children.
Brad Elliot is a writer born in Toledo, Ohio now living in east Tennessee.