Mairéad Byrne's publications include three poetry collections, Talk Poetry (Miami University Press 2007), SOS Poetry (/ubu Editions 2007), and Nelson & The Huruburu Bird (Wild Honey Press 2003); three chapbooks, An Educated Heart (Palm Press 2005), Vivas (Wild Honey Press 2005), Kalends (Belladonna* 2005); and two talk/essays, "Some Differences Between Poetry & Standup" (UbuWeb 2005), and "Avant-Garde Pronouns" (Avant-Post: The Avant-Garde in the Era of Post-Ideology. Ed. Louis Armand, Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, 2006). She is an Associate Professor of English at Rhode Island School of Design, in Providence. With Ian Davidson, she is the co-manager of the listserv British & Irish Poets.
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