Karl Kempton's visual poems have been nationally and internationally published and exhibited since 1974. His work has evolved from typewriter to computer b&w to color and now mixed media works with the use of a SLR digital camera. gum is from photos taken in San Luis Obispo's Gum Alley.
Karl edited and published Kaldron between 1976-1990 and is co-editor of an on-line edition published by Karl Young at http://www.thing.net/~grist/l&d/kaldron.htm. Some of his works can be seen at http://www.logolalia.com/minimalistconcretepoetry, http://www.logolalia.com/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, and Eratio Postmodern Poetry. Also see his article on Chumash solstice alignments, introduced at http://www.ourslo.com/poetryarchive/history/serpentrock.htm.