This month, Unlikely 2.0 proudly brings you poems from one of the contemporary masters of the craft: Belinda Subraman. An influential small-press figure for decades, Belinda has created a huge set of complex audio files for her work, working with a wide variety of musicians; recently, she's been doing tons of work with Ken Clinger. The three poems we present here, themselves sophisticated and layered, layer Belinda's voice with audio effects, music, speech, and stirring speeches. They're great examples of the magic that can be created in today's home studio, and great examples of poems written by a master at a creative peak. —JP
While living in Germany in the 1980s Belinda began Gypsy Literary Magazine and Sanctuary Tape Series with which she published writings and vocal performances of poets from many countries. Sanctuary ran about six years and Gypsy for ten years before its print and Internet resurrections in 2004. She also published books under the Vergin' Press imprint including Voces Fronterizas, writings based on life on the U.S./Mexican border, as well as The Gulf War: Many Perspectives, Earth Tones, Images of Jim Morrison and Henry Miller and My Big Sur Days.
Belinda's own writing has grown to span a vast array of subjects, styles and publications. She has traveled in over twenty countries, lived in Europe for six years and was part of an East Indian family for twenty-two years. These cross-cultural experiences often inform her work, as do her experiences as a Registered Nurse. These days her poetry, stories, and art can be found in hundreds of journals, reviews, anthologies, books and chapbooks. Since 1994 her archives are housed at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, in the Center for Southwest Research.
Belinda’s website is She edits featuring art, reviews, interviews, flash fiction, news in the literary arts and independent music and poetry. Her work can be found on Internet radio stations such as Progressive Blend Radio, LitStation, and Tyne FM. Her podcast home page is and her shows are available free through iTunes under the name Belinda Subraman Presents in the podcast category.
Check out Belinda's poems here at Unlikely:
Blue Room: 3.0 megs
Schizophrenia: 2.9 megs
Resin: 2.9 megs