The Last New Vaccines Given en Masse to Prevent an Epidemic Were Made by Baxter, for the Bird Flu... Considering They’re Making Vaccines for the Swine Flu, They Must Have a Great Record of Safety...
Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory let the WHO know that good ol' Baxter shipped live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material off to 18 countries' medical distributors.1
According to scientific researchers, this had to have been intentional. Baxter International has to go by Biosafety Level 3 to prevent the cross-contamination of ingredients.
Lab personnel are trained in dealing with pathogens and are supervised by even more experienced scientists in safety containments using special clothing and equipment to prevent any possible accidents.
Apparently, as virologists believe, Baxter hoped the live virus would stay under the radar and be used to inoculate people and begin a bird flu epidemic, which would require their vaccines.
But, No, Really, Now! Would a Company Really Sell Contaminated Injections Knowing Live Vaccines Were in Them?
Why, yes! More than once. For example, three years ago, Bayer "found out" that their injection drug for hemophiliacs, contained the HIV virus. What did they do? Did they take it off all markets? They sold it to Europe, Asia and Latin America. Who helped them do it? Opposites Day poster child, the FDA. Were Bayer company insiders ever prosecuted in the United States? You guessed it.
The famous 1918 flu outbreak killed 50 million people and many believe it was begun by purposefully injecting men in the service with vaccines that contained live flu viruses. One reason for this potential is that the flu started in many cities at the same time, where military personel had been given vaccines.2
A lab in Czechosloakia happened by the grace of spirit to test Baxter's Bird Flu vaccine on twelve unfortunate ferrets. They all quickly died. So the plan of global contamination fell through. For that to have been done without orders from the top, too many systems that are legally in place to ensure safety would have had to have been hijacked on a high level, but sending out those dozens of gallons of live Avian Flu with complete knowledge from the executives would be much more feasible, considering the whole story. In fact, they had tested that very vaccine before on hundreds of Polish people and dozens had died.3
They Certainly Won't Let Baxter Make any More Vaccines, Now, Will They?
Baxter, MedImmune, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Aventis, CSL, and Novartis will be making the vaccines.
MedImmune alone already plans to produce 200 million doses, though it is planning to test more for negative medical effects in October, which feels like an afterthought.4 The CDC's Jay Butler said vaccines will be ready by the first week in October, and the number will rise, to increase to 20 million doses a week. (This may actually be postponed until December depending on their plans for aduvants.)
According to FDA officials, MedImmune's vaccine is made with a weakened live virus rather than a dead one. Opposites Day has struck, considering contamination with a live virus was the disaster that happened as a supposed accident when Baxter embarrassed itself by making the deadly Swine Flu virus before. And that live viruses in vaccines may have begun the 1918 flu before that.5
1 See
2 See
3 See
4 Reuters, September 18th, 2009.
5 See