So, Ok, Please Tell Me That the Swine Flu H1N1 Is a Natural Occurrence, Which Vaccine Companies Just Happen to Be Profiting From? Lucky Breaks for Them, Eh?
Baxter filed a swine flu vaccine patent a year before the outbreak. Natural flus can't be patented.
Investigative reporter Wayne Madsen was interviewed on Russia Today TV. He claimed the 1981 Spanish flu was taken from the remains of a woman and was combined with the other forms of flu in order to fabricate the Swine Flu. FluGen, and other companies that researched the disease, now happen to be developing a vaccine.1
It has become known as the Ft. Detrick Swine Flu, because there is a likelihood that it was created on purpose, at that military base by reverse engineering and combining viruses.
MedImmune obtained a patent for their reverse-engineered virus in 2007. If it had been a natural virus, a patent couldn't have been filed. Good thinking ahead! MedImmune gave the patent Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger's National Institutes of Health, which is involved with the whole shebang.2
And If This Is the Case, They're Using the Swine Flu To... Gulp...
"That's rubbish. That's really rubbish. It's not the virus that's the danger; it's the vaccine." —auni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer Doctor of Finland
A wonderful and bold doctor, the former Chief Medical Officer Doctor of Finland, Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, who represented Finland in the World Health Organization, is one of the many who say that Henry Kissinger is planning to use the Swine Flu vaccine to lower the number of people on this planet, the usual goal stated as being to reduce it by two thirds.
She mentions that Rumsfield is one of the owners of the companies that wants to make money, but that getting rid of the population is even more of a goal, though she doesn't believe it will work, considering how it was stopped when it happened before, in1976, because of how obviously it was making people ill.
Now, however, with the law that makes the companies no longer liable, they are trying harder, with a better-contemplated scheme. Now that WHO has ordered that we have to be forced with a pandemic, despite the fact that there is not really a pandemic, Dr. Luukanen-Kilde is looking at who benefits—Big Pharma, which will make money, and establish the planet for the elite.
About the Swine Flu, she says "That's rubbish. That's really rubbish. It's not the virus that's the danger; it's the vaccine."
Dr. Luukanen-Kilde, who also was Chief Medical Advisor for the Red Cross throughout Asia, discussed the Bilderberg Group meeting where Henry Kissinger presented this proposition. She said there was a split at the meeting about this plan to depopulate.
Finland decided to take Swine Flu off the list of being a pandemic, within its own country. That's a start!3
The determined journalist, Jane Burgermeister has created legal documents she shared with the FBI on June 19th, 2009, to stop the biowarfare of vaccines she believes is supposed to cut down the population of the world.
She recommends we call our district courts to learn how to file a criminal complaint. Then we can just fill in the blanks in Jane's Criminal Charges document, and file it for free, no lawyer needed.4
Jane says the crime of bioterrorism is done by a US group controlled by International bankers who dominate the Federal Reserve, through using the genetically engineered virus to commit murder through the vaccine. Her Criminal Charges report is made up of 112 pages of verifiable evidence.5
Want to do something yourself? Check out Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations.
1 See
2 See Dr. A. True Ott.
3 Check out this clip on YouTube.
4 Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 7th, 2009.
5 See