Since no one was using snail mail, the U.S.P.S. started severe cutbacks in employees. The Postal Service retirement training program, euphemistically known as Hummer Bummer has commenced. President Obama has approved extra incentives for dedicated individuals finishing at the head of their class.
On September 8th, Buns and Barbs presented this photograph by Belinda Subraman and asked readers to submit flash fiction based on the image. Unlikely's Jonathan Penton was asked to pick the highly-subjective best, and we present the photograph along with the fiction of the winner, Catfish McDaris.
Catfish McDaris been around the small press scene for twenty years. He's had nineteen chapbooks out, one with Charles Bukowski and Jack Micheline. He's been in the New York Quarterly, Slipstream, Louisiana Review, and on the cover of the Chiron Review. He's from New Mexico, but migrated to Milwaukee thirty years ago. He's about to retire from the Post Office.
While living in Germany in the 1980s Belinda Subraman began Gypsy Literary Magazine and the Sanctuary Tape Series, which published writings and vocal performances of poets from many countries. Living on the US/Mexican border she ran Vergin' Press, publishing books such as the anthologies Voces Fronterizas and The Gulf War: Many Perspectives. In 2004 she resurrected The Gypsy Art Show on the Internet, featuring interviews with poets, authors, musicians, and activists. Her web site,, serves as a focal point for her recent work.