Carcinogenic Actions of Sunscreen
It makes the chromosomes mutate. Not good.
Sunscreens boast up to 5% of benzophenone, which is one of the strongest free radical creators and it is activated by ultraviolet light. The energy from the sun breaks it's double bond which creates two sites for free radicals, which seek out hydrogen atoms, most likely from the skin itself, which can lead to melanomas. They may find this hydrogen atom among the other ingredients of the sunscreen, but it is conceivable that they could also find it on the surface of the skin and thereby initiate a chain reaction which could ultimately lead to melanoma and other skin cancers.1
42% of sunscreens looked at in the lab by EWG contained oxybenzone, which is a reactive, carcinogenic form of oxygen that wrecks the endocrine system. While 5% of sunscreens were considered safe by EWG's, I would even question that, unless they were zinc oxide, though it still cuts out the benefits of the sun.2
A University of California study on three UV filters, benzophenone 3, octylmethoxycinnamate, and octocrylene, go right through the top layers and leave them still susceptible to burning for people who think they can safely stay out all day, which the chemicals hang out and get toxic in the deeper layers. The ingredients deep in the skin interact with UV rays to create the reactive oxygen, causing aging as well as the skin cancer.3
Many of the substances in sunscreens, including oxybenzone cause free radical damage and thus lead to cancer.4 In addition, a lot of the free radical causing chemicals also have powerful estrogenic effects that not only cause cancer but mess with sexual development and ability.5
Not to Mention Problems with Bonding
Oh, well, cancer, yeah, that's bad. But sexuality, uh oh. That may make more people pay serious attention. Forget cancer. What about small penis size? Lower sperm count and libido, feminization of men, loss of arousal and libido. In women, excess estrogen from sunscreen or any other chemical such as plastic that throws that hormone of balance can cause migraine headaches, hypotension, breast swelling and cysts, hypothyroidism, over consumption of sweet foods, agitation, sleeplessness, sexual dissatisfaction, and gender confusion, bonding inability, and much more.6
OK, if you're over the horror, now move on to shock. Look at two studies in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute: Light skinned people from Sweden and Denmark who had the most sunburns were the least likely, not the most likely, to get malignant white blood cell cancer. How is that for opposites day? Even I didn't see that one coming. And researchers in the United States showed that those with melanoma fare better if they got lots of sun in their lives previously.7
Artificial Light, However, Does Cause Cancer, and so does........Uh Oh
Lancet Journal revealed that fluorescent light produces melanoma, the more you're in it, the worse the cancer. The rays themselves are just plain carcinogenic. Testing 900 women, those poor working stiffs under that evil light had over two times more melanoma. Now, that doesn't surprise me. It's easy to feel it. It just feels wrong to be in fluorescent light, and remember all the studies about how it causes ADD and maladaptive behaviors? No wonder. Bodies can feel they're getting sick, and want to get away, and lash out! The women in the study who worked an ungodly 20 years had over two and a half times as much melanoma. However, they were saved somewhat if they had spent their youth out in the real world, and taken time off to take in the rays when recuperating from the agitation they undoubtedly felt at work. "In a smaller sample of men, the RR for fluorescent lights with 10 or more years’ exposure was 4.4; and for those who had spent the least time in the sun while children, the RR was 7.3." Just say no to those jobs, and get the schools where you children attend to change the lights. And by all means, take the darn things out of your house.
Dr Ott tells us that animals under laboratory conditions living near the ends of the fluorescent lights start—eating each other. Oh my god. Run away! Telling me mice die when exposed to sunscreen chemicals is one thing. Telling me they turn on each other and become cannibals under the kind of light that covers Wal-mart is another.
Of course, you should also take the TV out. That's obvious. That's easy. No problem. But.....the computer too? Like, what we write articles on? Yes, I know. But, you know, that's different. That's important. Ahem......
Dr Ott says fluorescents, TVs and computer terminals make red blood cells clump. I've seen my blood do this under a living microscope, and though I was given enzymes that are supposed to help them unstick, it the cells stubbornly stayed in their little messes that were too big to go through the capillaries. Now, I know why. That clumping makes people drowsy, and please note, it causes us to have more heart attacks, and more strokes. Pay attention.
We all know sunlamps can also cause cancer, and studies show that poor diet makes it worse.8 And so, OK, that's easy, too. Let's just get back to that, shall we, the easy things. A little cancer, shoot, no big deal to have access to a computer, right? Shoot, what's the big deal about cancer? Not having cancer is for pussies.
So, can we just sit out in the sun on the porch and read a good book and sip some nice tea and miraculously get over cancer and darn near everything else?
Yes, often, we can. Pull up a chair.
Didn't the Cancer Institute tell you that? They don't look very long at the studies that show basking in glorious sunlight healing cancer, and they don't fund the studies any more once those answers start showing up. Look at for many examples that may make you run outside for a healthy picnic, leaving your unblocking contact lenses at home. And according to that paper, associated with the effects of melatonin, etc., from sun exposure, you may start to see better and get over or avoid arthritis, viruses, Parkinsons, MS, ADD, insomnia, depression, chlamydia pneumoniae, rickets, coronary issues, Chrohn's disease, and food poisoning, as well. Not only that, but we're back to cannibalism again, my dears. "Exposed to full-spectrum light, a father rat is docile and even helpful after his babies are born. But when the same rat pair is moved under standard light, before the birth of the next litter the male must be removed to prevent aggressiveness and cannibalism. Moved back to natural light for still another litter, he is gentle again. Although human fathers aren’t likely to eat their babies, do we really want more domestic aggressiveness?"
How to make sure we don't get sunburned? In addition to the healthy diet mentioned already, taking two grams of C, and 1,000 IU of E if you aren't getting enough in your diet, and when you need to for short bursts, selenium, helps.
So, go to it, boys and girls. Throw off your clothes, run into the sunshine, smile, take off your glasses, eat lots of lovely hemp oil on your salad, turn your head away from the TV, and, eerrr....the, um, computer.
Not enough information? I'd recommend:
Healing Cancer with Light is a great resource site. It contains many excellent links. And it reminds us that the great Dr. Johanna Budwig tells us to use plenty of flax oil in order to resonate with the sun. The sun is healthy for us if we have enough of the correct oils, and hemp oil has since been found to be even more digestible. has several excellent links including for many books on the health effects of sunlight.
The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century, by Richard Hobday, MSc, PhD
1 Cancer, Vol. 73, No. 11, June 1, 1994, pp. 2759-64
2 See Is your Sunscreen Causing Cancer? by Laurel House, 2009
3 See
4 See
5 See The Chemical Sunscreen Health Disaster
6 See
7 See Web MD Skin Problems and Treatments Health Center: Sun Exposure May Fight Some Cancers by Daniel DeNoon Feb. 1, 2005
8 See this excerpt from Nexus, by Joseph G. Hattersley, Volume 8, Number 4,2001
Tantra Bensko's "Opposites Day" appears regularly in Unlikely 2.0. Check out her bio page.
Comments (closed)
Alex Nodopaka
2010-03-05 12:20:43
I can't kiss every body's arse but I'll always except yours.
Good to read your spunk.
Alex Nodopaka
2010-03-05 12:23:45
American sunscreens are worthless! The French are best at it but don't stick your nose up their armpits... lol