Editors' Notes

Maria Damon and Michelle Greenblatt
Jim Leftwich and Michelle Greenblatt
Sheila E. Murphy and Michelle Greenblatt

A Visual Conversation on Michelle Greenblatt's ASHES AND SEEDS with Stephen Harrison, Monika Mori | MOO, Jonathan Penton and Michelle Greenblatt

Letters for Michelle: with work by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Jeffrey Side, Larry Goodell, mark hartenbach, Charles J. Butler, Alexandria Bryan and Brian Kovich

Visual Poetry by Reed Altemus
Poetry by Glen Armstrong
Poetry by Lana Bella
A Eulogic Poem by John M. Bennett
Elegic Poetry by John M. Bennett
Poetry by Wendy Taylor Carlisle
A Eulogy by Vincent A. Cellucci
Poetry by Vincent A. Cellucci
Poetry by Joel Chace
A Spoken Word Poem and Visual Art by K.R. Copeland
A Eulogy by Alan Fyfe
Poetry by Win Harms
Poetry by Carolyn Hembree
Poetry by Cindy Hochman
A Eulogy by Steffen Horstmann
A Eulogic Poem by Dylan Krieger
An Elegic Poem by Dylan Krieger
Visual Art by Donna Kuhn
Poetry by Louise Landes Levi
Poetry by Jim Lineberger
Poetry by Dennis Mahagin
Poetry by Peter Marra
A Eulogy by Frankie Metro
A Song by Alexis Moon and Jonathan Penton
Poetry by Jay Passer
A Eulogy by Jonathan Penton
Visual Poetry by Anne Elezabeth Pluto and Bryson Dean-Gauthier
Visual Art by Marthe Reed
A Eulogy by Gabriel Ricard
Poetry by Alison Ross
A Short Movie by Bernd Sauermann
Poetry by Christopher Shipman
A Spoken Word Poem by Larissa Shmailo
A Eulogic Poem by Jay Sizemore
Elegic Poetry by Jay Sizemore
Poetry by Felino A. Soriano
Visual Art by Jamie Stoneman
Poetry by Ray Succre
Poetry by Yuriy Tarnawsky
A Song by Marc Vincenz

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Two Poems by Jay Passer

Recipe for Caliban

My chocolate is cerebral beef
Bled out on the marbled planetoid surface
The interior of the death head's skull
Photographs of the landscape include
Inarticulate phosphorescent beastliness
Pinpoint radiology of cancerous joy
I read the entrails of old machine parts
Rusting by the side of the Interstate
Parts machined from organic resources
Culled from loose-leaf minutiae
Jargon of encyclopedic texts
Where I slumber amidst illegally parked halos
Celestially handicapped zones
My workforce furred of heart and rabbit-eared
The mantra of the new order being:
I put ego into the churn from which develops
Considerable advances in plate tectonics

Why Don't We

why don't we
recall the poignancy of wartime

perished along the dust of the road
serpentine prey of molecular memory

somebody gasped a last breath
chewing an ice cream

literature antiquated algebraic
electron at the tip of the bayonet

pretty passing
saints hung from steaming toadstools

one lost peon draped with a flag died the day
after tomorrow

he fell off a barstool
toasting a friend
met his maker in throes
of carousing
just off Turk and Jones

while she
homing in submariner Mom
or otherwise infamous
reducing the news of the fall of the sun in the sky
tears and voices indelibly inaudible through voids
of omniscient absence


laughter of a floater underwater

see if it don't
hail on saints and fools
fireflies bent on

Jay PasserJay Passer's work has appeared in print and online for 24 years. Themes of anarchy, delirium, antiestablishment ethos and bawdy street survival all cast lots in the spectrum of his vision. A new chapbook, At the End of the Street, from Corrupt Press, is due out in late 2012, while Only Human By Definition, his most recent collection, is currently available from Crisis Chronicles Press.

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