writings and artwork by NRM

Dribble druid

food ways to men's hearts
for the flabioniods of flabgurshian
eat eat, stuff my face

big boobs , all giddy & full of dumb
perfume poodled floozies
attack like pupil thinner
molecular pin fiddled paint eyes
symptoms cushioned shame
after toilet kisses become like awakeness

a friend just said
Viviantimo: its great dude,
get a mexican girlfriend,
they will clean for ya, cook, whatever, then fuck your brains out!
i respond with a grunt
some days one can form no words in thoughts
just become mush brain from bat dalbert
& diddle around in filthy sweats

pretty white flowers on fridge cupped green stalks

farting from my ears & face all hived flushed
a toe massage in soft cat food cold bongloidien purity
cat knock lamp over
breaks onto floor, image flash- runs under bed
to tired to care or scold

my apartment is a jungle gym for him
he may roam where & when ever he pleases
crashing into cd's, smashing over bottles of paints
he's my cat named leozane, pot hits in his ears

cleansing my toes in pickle juice
soaking red pinkish lips horny man me
percecet pill wish book red marble dangles
christmas bonus check fraud gift certificated
books pile up with no reading but covered backs

Viviantimo: dribble druid

gold metals in jerk off squeezling smoke too much

the white van was there today when I went to work
out front
mental lady on bench
saying merry Christmas to every one who walked by
atleast 12 times
black men with hats pulled down
smoking & mumbling , looking at me
enter the work crud bright light crap thud
people from the white van
I spot lady who thinks my name is Elijah
"how are u today?" I ask her
"you put squeaky in jail! That wasn't very nice."
she says smiling
the lady who takes care of her
tells her to stop that talk
I laugh & smile at her, walk away perplexed
wondering if there is such a thing as a psychic retard
maybe my name is Elijah
& she was a manson member

This poem Copyright 2001 Nicholas Morgan.

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