did I ever tell any of u about the hole in my head? Well, I'm sure it's
nothing, but when I was a young child, all the way up into my late 20's, I use to wake up with a sickening feeling, like I had been taken away to other planets, abused, probed, touched, given certain intelligence's that were
beyond human, that I could never quite tap in to, I use to have constant nightmares about these fuked up looking fiend's with big black eyes, that would freeze me, physically stop me from being able to move my body, yes, freeze, but I wasn't cold while this was going on, I was always warm,. &
they could walk through walls, theses fiends could come whenever they felt like it, mostly at night, and the only thing in the household that would even notice them, would be one of the cats, I grew up with a lot of cats. These
alien things didn't like cats, that's one thing I remember, in fact, one time, they were going to kill one of my cats for one of their alien barbecues, but I tapped into the power they had told me about for only a second without talking, & then they knew not to mess with anything I loved, cause we had this strange understanding, sort of like when u think someone is standing
behind u, and u turn around, and sure enough.
So anyways they kept coming at night. I wouldn't really remember much till I woke up the next day, and then it would all come back to me in bits and
pieces. I'm convinced now that they hired the doctors to cut my head open and implant the tracking device, which also works as a radio satellite into outer space. Because these fiends have people everywhere. Some times I can
spot other people on the street who have been abducted by the fiends as well, we have a certain look about us, almost like a nervous junky twitch.
I'm still learning the language but sometimes they can get violent with me. cause I'm starting to learn that they have already infiltrated most of the
United States, and they are really big in china as well. One day after drinking mjy7self to near death, I decided to prove it to myself, that they had in deed implanted something inside my skull. So I cut around the soft spot on my head, and began probing my fingers down into my brain matter until I
felt a square metal like shiny thing, I yanked it out and looked at it. It looked like a computer motherboard, only really small. I was bleeding all over and
my head hurt, so I went to the hospital to get some help, and to show the doctors that I wasn't insane, that they really did implant something in my head. The only problem was, when the doctor walked in, I knew he was one of them, one of the fiends. I tried to run, but he quickly used his telepathic
powers to seduce me into a calm state of mind. I awoke a few days later with my head sewn back shut. The doctor was standing above me.
"You idiot, you have jeopardized entire centuries of work. I have informed our friends, and they are not happy with you! Just wait till the next meeting, they are going to radiate your inner most thoughts more, so that now you will remember nothing. And to think they trusted you more then me. you little fuker. If it were up to me, I would have fed you to the fiends pets."
The doctor said.
"Fuk off, give me something for this pain, you human traitor!" I screamed back at him without using words.
He quickly gave me what was needed, and I escaped out into the city that same night, hovering in alley ways, staying with sleazy friends, always wondering when the fiends would catch up with me again. I might try and take it out again.
Cause I feel like someone is always standing behind me waiting to pounce.
This story Copyright 2002 Nicholas Morgan.
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