phone rings…girlfriend…
"what do u want?"
"well, food, any kind of food, I have bin eating pickles all day long
& drinking!"
"what kind of food?!"
"anything, sandwiches, burger balls, Chinese. Mexican.."
"but what? What sort should I get?"
"anything honey, just bring food!"
"But like what?"
"fukin oysters! I don't care. Noodles! Beef! Tacos~! Nachos! Bread! Jack in the puke!. Anything, pizza, im hungry!"
"But what do u want?"
"Dam u, I want food, any sort of food! Don't u see!"
"but like what?"
I hang up the phone
"Shrimp fukin gumbo! Chit lens! Chili! French fries!"
& think of another pickle
& drink
This poem Copyright 2001 Nicholas Morgan.
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