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3rd Street
A lover is an ache in waiting
A frantic belch of supernova
An obligatory bow to circumstance
A prospect turned to dusty heirloom
A lover is an ache in waiting
A laundry list of thoughtless allowance
A doubling back of expectation
A living tomb of scant collections
An encouraged glutton grown cold with wealth
An unpolished lock worn thick with rust
A lover is a waiting faultline
With the cities of everybody else
Built stupidly atop
A lover is a dropping elevator
Rimmed with glowing
A lover is an ache in waiting
A wingclipped bird with wallowing eyes
A rich dessert without a dinner
A desperate team of secret rivals
A snippet of rainbow in a stagnant oil puddle
A deer with splayed limbs in the beam of a headlight
A faint shadow puppet in a room full of statues
A tapering candle with a wick made of iron
A lover is the moving shadow
Within the bloom of an
Unexpected explosion
A lover is the tinkling echo
That gives you startled pause
When you're walking
In the dark
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