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The Affair

He's on my mind
He's on the bed when I
 make love to my husband
He's on the phone asking me
 to go away for a weekend
Culminate the months of attraction
"I can't do an affair," I tell him
I don't say I do it all too well
That I'm like Baby when
 she puts her blue jeans on
Baby and I know how to spin a web
I lose 10 pounds
Shop for lingerie
A new scent
Cosmopolitan magazines
I listen to Elvis sing
 One Night With You
Butterflies hatch in my stomach
I run on voltage from a power plant
I'm 15 again
I lie to my husband
Betray a friend
I go with accouterments
 that define passion
Aromatherapy candles
Strawberries and whipped cream
Erotic poetry
Slow-dance music
Massage oil
The butterflies flutter
I'm 21 again
It's over in a few short hours
Never enough time
We have hotel sex
Hot tub sex
Car sex
Movie sex
More sex
We do it over the counter
Under the weather
In the sack
Between business trips
We join the mile-high club
Butterflies migrate to my heart
I'm 30 again
It ends when casualties
 cover the neighborhood
The butterflies die
Their cocoons become ulcers
I listen to Tchaikovsky's Pathetique
I shop for furniture
Sunset magazines
A cleaning lady
I gain 20 pounds
I run on voltage from a vibrator
Suddenly I'm 75

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