Unlikely Stories Presents


To the Unlikely Stories home pageUnpredictable, macabre, and almost comical, the strange poems of Mechell Arant will confuse and fascinate you, and leave you hungry for more. Confessional in style, they weave their way around sex, love, beauty, independence, and other subjects that question our needs and values. Cruel and wanting, they'll surprise and delight you.

Mechell says, "I'm never happy with the poems; it seems I've never said enough, or I've said too much. There is no in between." Her works will be appearing in Newsletter Inago in 2003. Drop her a line at shelly_30@excite.com.

Mechell's works here at Unlikely Stories are:

Caught in the Teeth

ziplocks are hell
a story of three
get off my toes