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August 22
Writing for a millenium poets arrive
Celebrate the poet who might die
The Press debates distinction between
being guardian of a pet and an owner
Nevertheless, it's a full house
The audience-mind drifts
among silver foil tentacles, graphs, doodles, gags
The poet being celebrated squirms
Atop Mt. Zion hospital
Barks at nurses about bad food
Mutated zucchini, chicken-like cutlets under gravy
coagulations, perplexed and exaggerated
by a telephone he can't see, a TV that can't be
what Americans are watching, but it is
so it must be broke
bacteria, rod-like
with fancy scientific name
has taken up residency in the body of the monk
in ten days it must be dead and carried out
or mistreatment of the holy bard
will be continued
drip drip
sucking ginger-ale from articulated straw
drip drip
sun rises on bed motorized
mocking a foothill the body wraps in and out of linen geology
drip drip
scrambled eggs assassinated
and muffins that make one ashamed of being an Englishmen
roll in like death
"I lack moral fiber"
So you put yourself through this?
"Yes, and if I make it very hard on myself
I hope to become more fibrous"
So that's why you're building poundage up?
To test your limits?
"Yes," he grins maliciously
I see, understanding the moral complexity
having been raised with a silver spoon in my mouth
and gentle arms rocking the baby, always
having to prove I can fall on my head
with the best of them
and still survive
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