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Black Dog in the Mist, Hospital Creek Memorial
He wanted to come, but then he couldn’t, he wanted to come to me, but couldn’t, he wanted to come, but just couldn’t, black dog submerged in the mist, his shaggy damp tail swiping the mist, sweeping it into swirls with his broom of a tail, buckets of mist by the doorway of rainy desert, he had been lost a long time, i wanted for that black dog in the mist to come to me, his black nose, cold touch and the jump back from a noise, i wanted him to just come to me, so badly, for the giving of what i had to offer, for my heart for the donut in my hand, and then he saw a vision of me in my coat, walking my two dogs in the big city park, he wanted to join us, to add his body shaking and his tail wag to our pack, but he just couldn’t, mirijula-spirit dog, he stayed in the deep outback, black dog in the mist, i wonder where he is now, how alone he is in his big desert, by the off road memorial at hospital creek, i wanted to reach out, so badly, but couldn’t, black dog in the mist, he had wanted to come to me, on this road, i look at different shapes and colours, rocks, birds and trees, but in the past, when i drove along the great western highway from sydney to brewarrina, i was overwhelmed by distances and my own dense psychology, once i was the most interesting and confusing thing to myself, but now the things of the land fill me, before i couldn’t see past the my own mystery and out there was simply non descript, it was a kind of spiritual catatonia, a resistance to an environment, so i struggled out of myself at intervals to see, but would soon go racing back inside, in the earlier stages i was dimly aware, i just thought this is the way things are, i didn’t adapt well to physical things, nature’s presentation, its complexity and confusion, its pretty ornamental ways and its powerful gusts of simplicity, but somehow it was always reaching in to touch me, from these remote quiet landscapes, now i bask in them, the experience naturally simplifying my life, as fresh air racing down a city street, i explore this outback gently, glide along its currents, my veins are blood rivers.