Unlikely Stories Presents

MICHAEL BURCH, no relation to the tree of a different name

To the Unlikely Stories home pageWhether exploring sonnets, illegal sexual situations, or both, Michael Burch writes with a simple yet beautifully intricate style that will awe and inspire you. He writes on beauty, ugliness, and immortality in a way that always keeps the reader curious about the next piece. The four poems we present here will startle and enthrall you with their unpredictable charm.

Michael R. Burch is the poetry editor of The HyperTexts. He was nominated for the 1999 Pushcart Prize by The Aurorean, and his work has appeared in over 60 publications, including Light Quarterly, The Lyric, Poet Lore, ByLine, Romantics Quarterly, Lonzie's Fried Chicken, Icon, Writer's Digest, Writer's Journal, Writer's Gazette, The Raintown Review, Penumbra, Nebo, Piedmont Literary Review, Penny Dreadful, Songs of Innocence and The Laureate Letter. Drop him a line at mburch@aocg.com.

Michael's works here at Unlikely Stories are:

In Flight Convergence
Psycho Analysis