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don't post so much
post more
don't post so much
post more
make your lines shorter
make your lines longer
why don't
you make yourself disappear
why are you so greedy
you sonofabitch
what makes you think you are godalmighty
don't post so much
post more
who are you anyway and who
are all those fucked-up
you write about where does all that stuff
come from the reader's
don't post so much
post more
but not more gerunds gerunds are bad bad
and never use "one" if one
can help it use
"we" because in poetry as in all things in this life there are rules
fool and don't think
you can use us
don't post so much
how about
if you post every other day except
on wednesdays
wednesdays some of us
have to go to
choir practice and can't forever be spending
every minute
of every waking day thinking about
the next damn
thing you're gonna throw up
don't post so much
about your mama and daddy and how
you got a fishhook in your leg
post more
about love don't you love anybody
do yourself a favor read the golden bough read
ram dass
the tibetan book of the dead read where
the wild things are
you're really not very original you know think you are the only one
that ever got a blowjob from his grandpa
don't post so much
post more
like that last one of yours
which imho
could be a major poem, but
what started out as a pretty neat piece
ended up with a url
to patti ann rogers and god pissing on himself
and when will you
ever stop wrapping your he
saids to
the next line did somebody tell you that
was chic or avant garde
don't post so much
post more
of the things we're used to the precious things
we're all looking for
this stuff of yours isn't poetry there isn't a line
of poetry in it and you know that good
and well
so whatever destructive evil plan
you've got on your mind
we wish you'd just stop it won't you
stop please don't stop please we are sick and tired
of you fucking
with our minds not to mention our holy guidelines
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