" ... A man / signs a shovel and so he digs"
- Ted Berrigan, THE SONNETS
Sparklhing with vigor and chaos, the poems of john e transport us to a romantic, if dangerous, world of endless beauty and incredible women who might or might not be deadly. With a style that is absolutely lucid and clear, john writes of relationships and romances that shatter our expectations, leaving us intrigued and hungry for more.
john says, "[The above quote] does refer to a real shovel (Marcel Duchamp's), the art made from shovel, and - I think - the shovel of art. Interesting things to think about, if you live in snow, or recreate snow, or even think about it.Clearing it from the walk is another story though.
"John Eivaz or john e lives in an area of California where there isn't any snow, usually. But I have that quote to think about.
My writing is tucked away at various websites, including Erotica Readers Association, Clean Sheets, Slow Trains, Ophelia's Muse, and Mi Poesias. I also share a poetry website with a friend: from east to west: bicoastal verse." You can write to john at johnjohn_era@yahoo.com.
john's works here at Unlikely Stories are: