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faceless nameless
unbelievable how many
show up at 9 AM
on AOL from work,
to jack off in their cubicles.
I click straight for my
final destination.
wanting to check in with my
people. lunatics!
here I am in the Bi-Polar
disorder chat room, being that I woke
up at 11 PM, yes 11 PM. I take my
sigh for help
to those who might understand that
I’m in the trenches, fighting a losing battle.
getting my ass
fucking kicked.
by the nameless faceless.
I’m shooting blanks
at all the enigmas,
who screennames mask
and remind that I’m still alone
in this room. with this computer.
with it.
no more, 'get over it's
no more, there is nothing wrong
no more, why are you upset.
no more, I don’t understand.
lost in the repetitive
point and click
stroke and return.
if i hit back, on my browser
i can have one more chance
to do it over.
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