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The First Six Months After Death
Plato tells the story of Carl Jung. Carl Jung tells the story of Y. Y is Eye. Eye am Y. Y am Eye. Y. Carl Jung talks through Plato:
Eye see the dead. Eye am reminded of birds. Exploding, my body with things remembered. Exploding. My body remembers itself. Eye am trapped in a room somewhere between loneliness and despair, and Eye here only my body. Eye listen. Confusion is this:
When Eye learned about Marxism Eye thought Eye would overnight. There was no difference. Nothing happened. Eye forgot who Eye am (Y am Eye. Eye am Y.). Eye breathe in silence--alone. ALONE. alone.
Not having no-one, Eye returned to my solitude and wept. Eye wept for days not knowing when to, how to stop Eye screamed. My life, once unfolding, shut up on itself. My life, once unfolding, shut up shutting up. My body, exploding. My body. (The past is my body, only to be remembered.) Who am Eye? (Eye am Y.) Who am Eye? (Y am Eye.) My body, exploding, is only to be remembered. My body is space, in time and place. My body is Y. Eye am Y. My body is alone.
In my solitude Eye became my self, and Eye remember who Eye am (Eye am Y). Eye am death. In this room of forgetting (My body exploding) Eye remember, and Eye only know that:
Knowledge is archaeology. Knowledge is rhetorical. Knowledge is the knowledge of the false self--the unknown. Knowledge is archaeology. Eye remember.
Plato talks about love:
What is knowing?
Jung talks about hate:
Skin fuck.
The recent enlightenment period, when the dissemination of rhetoric evolved, was actually the period of deconstruction. Loosing the vast knowledge of rhetorical traditions, recovered in the renaissance, that classical period, the lost time, was destroyed and the great thinkers of the time. Tropes:
My body remembering
Eye remember.
And for our people.
Eye am dreaming of a perfect place:
"What is this?"
"This is a cock."
"What does it do?"
"What would you like it to do?"
"Why is this such a big question: Who are you?"
Time: France
Place: 1886
Dear Prudence:
When Eye masturbate Eye think of big cock. Eye think of men sucking their own cocks with collagen size lips--the cock disappearing for as long as the repetition of beat, up and down, to the bobbing of the head. Eye am disappearing behind the image of the mouth, up and down on its own flesh. Eye am watching, like the cock that fucks itself. Eye cannot remember what it felt like to look in the mirror of my body and feel, where only Eye can, what is inside of this flesh, into itself over and over. Eye am afraid to feel what, time and time again, has been stored in the flesh of my remembering. Eye become so focused on my body that Eye forget myself because the energy of my body telling me not to remember.
Plato and Jung talk about what it is like to be the same person and not live in the same body (The speaking of Y):
Y speaks: