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"Four" Cast
The earth's been here four billion years,
But humans mere four million.
How often has the atmosphere
Received a "global killing?"
Have comets many seared the skies,
Volcanoes oft erupted?
What oceans parched till desert-dry
And climates left disrupted?
How many times has planet warmed,
Engorged with greenhouse gasses,
While glaciers melted and reformed
On continental masses?
Has dust obscured the solar light
For years without a summer?
Have days turned into winter nights
For years too long to number?
It's only four millennia
Since first we scratched the surface
Of planet's cornucopia
For our own selfish purpose.
It's just been last four centuries
That we've begun to batter
Environment by felling trees
And killing life that matters.
Since only forty years ago
Have we possessed the power
To threaten nearly all we know
From elephant to flower.
If manage we to do our worst
On scale approaching global,
Can really we the planet hurt,
So ancient and so noble?
No more than mere mosquitoes we
To earth so long receiving
Assaults imposed externally
And from infernal regions.
So let us in our arrogance
Destroy what we should cherish.
In thousand years times forty hence,
Just we that will have perished.
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