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Freaky Head
Up ahead I spot
a person on the sidewalk wearing
a brown flannel shirt. It's
getting kind of cold and
I can see him, or her walking
with a weird up and down
right to left, side to side
BA-dump BA-dump motion.
Swinging the arms a bit much, but
what is it with the head it
doesn't seem to match the
rhythm. It seems to move with
it's white ball cap, almost
of it's own accord as if it
were attached to a long springy
slinky thing. Shit,
it's freaking me out that bobbing head.
It seems to foretell death in
some stupid gothic comic Bizzaro manner but
as I come upon him,
what seemed to be the head turns out to be
a slightly taller second persons head that
is visible walking directly behind the first,
bobbing left while the first bob's right.
Not a harbinger of death at all,
just two goofy average
Bi-pedal humanoids
walking down the sidewalk.
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