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ideas three men entourage in frontier one of their heads perchance fills with helium so the one of the other men sucks the helium out of the guy's head with his mouth while the other watches and tries to distract him so he'll float away man has kids one of them starves to death he cooks it and feeds it to the rest of the family gets drunk every night they live in a hole (they begin to wonder while they are eating "where's little toby" overdramatization of simple, sad occurrences which would otherwise be comical now ostentatious a human bag someone so fat and folded they walk around with another the another stores junk in the person's various cavities life is one filthy, tired, diseased, depraved unending orgy where everything but fucking is just fluff faking it to get to the fucking all is tired unpassionate foreplay people torn, depraved by sex sex occurring everywhere, evidence of fucking constant everything an involuted sexual exploitation all sociology just sex "picnic in a concentration camp" people live to around 900 years old, all the while becoming more frail, senile, and impaired in all senses around age fifty begin to loose youth a pair of legs w/ human anatomy grows from beneath a thorn bush young boys, drunks fuck pregnant woman slits wrists and shows up at boys house saying she will fuck him since she's going to die he runs out to get a condemn he returns in about 3 hours, when she's still barely living he fucks her limp body and afterwards when he's in the bathroom taking a shower she dies phantom of the opera kidnaps children from the theatre and uses them for sex a man leaves a candle lit to go (drink? smoke weed?) in the room with his sleeping lover it falls over and scars his lover disfiguring her terribly inhuman a man accidentally starts fires wherever he goes a man plots to kill a young girl and accidentally chainsmoker accidentally lights a fire with every cigarette woman who never leaves small shack is raped years later marries her rapist when he peers through the crescent in the outhouse door ************************************************** three drunk entourage in frontier one of their heads perchance fills with helium so the one of the other men sucks the helium out of the drunk's head with his mouth while the other watches and tries to distract him with gt ulgar comedy so he'll laugh and spat the drunk lmink a tmosere meat has kids one of them starves to death meat cooks it and feeds it to the rest of the family gets drunk every night they live in a hole (they begin to wonder while they are eating "where's little toby" a meat leaves a candle lit to go (drink? smoke weed?) in the room with his sleeping lover it falls over and scars his lover disfiguring her terribly inhuman a meat accidentally starts fires wherever he goes a meat plots to kill a young girl and accidentally kills his lover instead in a pathetic fashion chainsmoker accidentally lights a fire with every cigarette woman who never leaves small shack is raped years later marries her rapist when he peers through the crescent in the outhouse door i began to get strange phobias and terrors, such as suddenly acquiring down syndrome, and it gradually growing worse until all of my actions were inverted... why call it mankind man is not kind why not call it HeLLc0ke mancruel girls raised to age six never seeing another man reading literature, tales of men, their fathers then are auctioned off to men at various prices or prostitutes (given to men playing parts? it was the style for men of the day to walk around with their penises hanging out women often examined them carefully, and made comments erections were smiled upon as if the bearer had accomplished something a man w/ one armed kidnapped by a obese man who falls in love with him as a pet another leads another, affects all that they do pastoral scene, many dying 90-100 year olds at a wedding, sleeping, sick ,totally detached men cackle as they walk into a fruitless battle dying and laughing at their assassins depraved free totally unsuccessful lust
(perusals of men with an inexplicable habit of smashing their fingernails and toenails with a small jeweled hammer (smoking man steals a dead 6 year old to fuck, it comes back to life while he's fucking it (for 3 minutes? stoned man (denial as a derangement) wanders into a bar where everyone has a dead person at their side unfunny jokes appealing only to the cruelest side of humanity and in the audience, too appalling to be funny
a factory town with old west 2 dimensional building standing up concealing factories and calling them "studios" people go in there and work slave labor under the impression they're actors in a movie everyone acts as if there's a camera on them everyone acts as if living by a strict alignment of laws (this is obscure and created by those they have met heard, gleaned and interpreted, etc… everyone speaks to themself, completely detached conversations trail, full of needless etiquette and politeness, horribly bland and excruciatingly apologetic and understanding, patronizing (everyone a nun follows the tragic story of a young man's unsuccessful attempts at seducing several handicapped peoples life as a commercial effusive enthusiastic and cheerful everything everyone says banal drivel tapering off into pleas of loneliness, terror, and emptyness words spelled how the reality looks words twisted sound/visions satire of language narrated by a child, adolescent describing the events of his youth, innocence "in my innocence" as if it had passed centuries ago perverse clumps of physical anatomy of sundry forms in a clumsy reality with no reason (five senses everyone playing a part excruciatingly vague very bland and mediocre, nothing discerning, utterly stereotypical, like faceless mannequin stories (a christmas story santa running a sweatshop elves=kids misbehave nailed to wall by ears ears stretch (giving them the elfin appearance santa eats extra food Virginal Naive (pedophilia all the children hated him they swarmed him and chewed his skin children a pivot, representing innocence, mankind uncorrupted most tragic presentation of man's inherit self destruction mankind as dignified predictable animals at nature's game women as a vice to disfigure reality virginal- an enormous creature coated in decoration is stripped of all its beauty as if it never had it while the ugly around it cackle at the ritual peacock feathers being plucked as if it were a chicken the chickens laugh everything hellishly intensified by lust and dramatized everything is something else horribly sarcastic, cynicism that sees nothing but the worms and dirt everything is a lie the truth is obvious (its all a theatre… etc the drug user is the most hated link in society men create alternate realities because reality is so sad, devoid, and agonizing and believe them knowing the truth Flight Of Fancy blind man in inventing a cure for his own blindness creates an pipe system jeweled with various lenses of colors and magnification (out of personal madness and delusions of grandeur) he doesn't cure himself instead sees a discoloration in the sky (an abstract shape later to take an enlightening shape) he writes of the single discoloration he sees in the sky in his diary which remains in a single position never mobile but fixated he is able to detect with the (rudimentary telescope? (genius method of magnification- (he takes lenses from various insects eyes write scientific journal? either he dies or he does this himself or a following scientist (studies his work realizes that she shape the man saw was in exact position with the sun in the sky and that it revealed some hidden entity in the sun behind the sphere- (a new color is invented as well the man reinvents the blind mans lenses sacrificing his own eyesight in the process- detects the same image in the sky falls in love with it and lays in a poppy field starring at it for years sick with dreams once wandering getting up to piss he sees another obstruction of vision- upon retrieving it find that it is two crescent shaped tufts of mold he studies their texture insanity delusions of grandeur creates them as the propellers on a vincian flying machine where the mold rotate over a stoked fire and an apparatus producing cold via a crank (he has a monkey pulling the crank? (he buys from an organ grinder act? and the machine flies upward and into the sun taking 4 years and he crashes into the sun (and burns up? (or the sun splits into tiny human-ized pieces and falls to the earth running through the eternal night like fireflies ever lit they fleet through the night dancing spilling light in an aura of religious? mystic? reverie ANOTHER FLIGHT OF FANCY dust of new infant already leaving (the thoughts in the head of a newborn child with five minutes of life aware of his own impending death FLIGHT OF FANCY all the world ash a man afraid to move because the world will fall into dust FLIGHT OF FANCY a three year old youth gets his wrist caught in a helium balloon (a grey elephant?) that carries him above earth for thirty years as the clouds part and he is lowered to the earth the string snaps and he plummets to his death a twisting conflicting reality present stained with ambiguity everything violent with mystery and innocence innocent dreams inspired by a wet music-box completely besmirched by self loathing besmirched by clots of oil/blood completely obscured, devoid, stain like man walks through city being steadily insulted by a flow of people all who think the person they insult is of low intelligence bad trip fairies drunken terror drogo exuberantly grotesque simple characters with inflated personalities idle minds creating drama everyone humoring a certain person for an undisclosed reason (so he notices) derailed mothers (as a muse, i. e. Absinthe Drinker) i tried to steal her child it was worth a try a 13 year old virgin who cannot speak without stuttering somehow gets in a relationship with a 3 foot tall 400 pound bald mumbling man she can't seem to get rid of fucks him a giant leafless creaking tree (gallows) rotating in the center of a circular town with people in the nooses they are dragged through rooms in buildings, dragged anywhere, perchance they asphyxiate one man's noose breaks, so he walks down to the base of the rotating gallows (the gallows pull people anywhere, preternatural) and finds a wretched, beaten, torn deathly sinewy old man powering the machine with a bike he watches him, the wretch leers at him, but the man remains, his spine is crippled, and after a few minutes the wretch keels over dead and the man mounts the bike and begins pedaling after the gallows stops for a few short minutes each day a man wakes up, fills a pushcart full of stones from a giant pile of stones (he thinks he hears someone under it) walks 20 miles and dumps them into a canyon, then eats a rose, or fruit and walks back to his pavilion one day, the forest he walks through seals up and he can find no way to the canyon so he sits down behind a hill wringing his hands, wincing, and occasionally peering at his full pushcart with lust and sadness he has none of the luxuries of us, but is never hungry, has absolutely no companion he thinks of his daily route the way a sane person would think of a pretty person a man disguises himself as a women to entice his male lover who has become suicidal want for tobacco (a cigarette) as a derangement, an axis (in place of hunger all of life based around it nonsense that transpires into beautiful simplicity in all its mystery a poem out of some widestream insanity, all the mirrors are shattered men gradually become insane, occupied, furious, nervous a man showing people the flash of a mirror in the crowd dispatches the madness slowly faucet drip man hates people, always hurt him, make him miserable, they cling to him however, so they can get hurt (to feel alive? exploiting his natural cruelty and irritating his misery a pimpled, pock-marked, obese barber has dozens of romantic prospects he constantly refuses, his habits primitive and base ,he doesn't own a toilet a man carries a vault on his shoulders a long distance no one to tell him to discard it many throw an elaborate (mask of red death) someone a surprise party for taking a shower (so hell kill himself man convincing another to sit in a chair the sitting man cannot win the argument he sits all his life a man with a 30 foot penis doesn't notice a damn thing drinks his beer and watches the horizon women give him dollar bills to lick his penis ***************************** mocks the inherit cruelty of man parodies of exorbitant but utterly petty cruelty (overblown) mocks all the foundations of reality (creality?) moving mounds, questioning eggshells and breaking fingers children that symbolize an abstract, harming, antisocial upbringing innocent but soon to fail ruin and harm hate them but can't hate them because children man puts a cigarette in his mouth cannot find lighter loses mind and begins walking insane and forgets what he was initially looking for walks around with an unlit cigarette numerous failed lofty dreams by a vagabond (grandeur dreams filthy re emergences into reality the crudest of gestures communicating the quintessences of human want/need (communication with each other (prodding someone with big toe a communication of undying love give an impression of what the gesture intends to commune (a grunt is an opera (a line in the dirt a passing era (piercing of the ear drum communicates the silencing of the music a fisherman pulls up the lost continent of atlantis on his line the unfunny joke, the stupid suffering all tableaus, seasons, curtains, spotlights all part of a comedic act insulting, pathetic, like a terrible joke played by god i.e. "debtor's prison" god as the horrible prankster drug dealers that sell drugs not for money, but for inhuman acts
("we had read needful things, the marquis de sade, and listened to marilyn manson...)
(...we weren't offering them a minute possibility of obscure infamy in a philosophical.. .... experiment in human nature, although we were offering that too, we were offering them drugs, we had gone straight to the vein, straight to the root of want, pleasure, and escape. the corruption of a single fellow was the corruption of all man. it was an obvious experiment, obviously conceived out of an acute and depraved boredom.)
(why not shakespeare already)
(portrayed as french poets in the pop culture age-the "manifesto" seen in the most common expressions and everyday gestures our stupidity and innocence is not even noticed everyone has been hardened to each other's treachery satan is the innocent party indulged only by the evil soul of man (thinking he has found friendship, instantly falls in love with all he meets (pedantic, vain on my affinity towards autumn the beauty of the fall (horrible decadence all antiquating of the dimensions of life the world is an empire of lies everyone behaving as something else grotesques and clowns fulfilling empty dreams conceived for no reason what grotesque pedantic for rimbaud the mind should be as the sea in constant strain and turmoil and infestation when the waves of the sea relax it become an intense reflection of the sky i felt safe in my bedroom at night with a candle lit for my smoking television vague presence downloaded mozart i've been going on this weed but i lost the bag and lit a cigarette knowing it was somewhere in the room hiding carelessly under a blanket or piece of clothing i felt safe in my bedroom at night in a frozen small town hidden under streetlights in the fleeting damp kills his lover instead in a pathetic fashion