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i hear a stream
i hear a stream
must be 5 am
birds bitching over the first worm
been eating sardine for 2 hours
‘til it stuck in my throat
when i first touched beautiful’s
pink wicked lips
she burned incense & faced mecca
said she loved arab meat
i adore worldly stuff
don’t you know
she smiled crooked
a nasty grin
i swallowed her brown nipples
black olives
& kissed her again
you’re a salty fellow aren’t you
she pushed me away
i flicked my tongue
rose on my tiptoes
expanded & swayed
bled desire through my eyes
i was horn toad
& she danced on the sharp tips
of my prehistoric horns
my lips hurt
you know
they ache
she scratched her crotch
a smoke signal
dispersed too quickly
couldn’t read it.
(they say
when the knowing comes
brace yourself
‘til you enter the dark place
where sorrow is too great for tears)
almost ran off the overpass
on the way home
crushed the front right side
of my old ram
sat by the roadside
& watched
the tail of a lizard
if it was my spirit
frantic to escape
must be 5a.m.
down the dark ally
between titsworth & seminary
old man jesus
drags his aluminum cans
i hear a stream
but it could be fire
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