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I'm Saving Myself for You Todd Pierce
I am Bathing in a Tub of Holy Water
to Wash away this stench of sin.
I Hereby Cut off the Finger that has Traced
the Lips of Men whose Names are a Mystery.
I do this in your Splendid Name.
Want you to know that I have gone Cold Turkey
on Tearooms. I don't get into Cars with Complete
Strangers. Not like I Used to.
I'm Building a Bonfire of Gay Porn Mags & Videos.
Jeff Stryker is Reduced to Fireflies of Ash.
Dried Semen Smolders in the Night Sky.
I have Flushed Poems about Guys I have had Crushes
on down the Toilet along with the rest of Human Waste.
Posters of Half-Naked Men have been ripped viciously
off the Wall & thrown away with Left-Over Cold Pizza.
You're the only Man for Me.
I don't eat Red Meat. I've Switched to Diet Drinks &
Bottled Water. Attend Church every Sunday.
Wash Behind my Ears. I Walk Old Ladies Across the Street of the World.
I don't Swear as Much as I used to.
Perhaps an Occasional "Damn" or "Fuck," but other than that,
that's about it.
You are Worth Getting a Sex Change for. I
Have Sworn off Cigarettes & Masturbation.
Fix your Favorite Food.
Buy all your Favorite Movies on Video.
Just want to Run My Fingers through your Hair.
I want to see Myself in your California Eyes.
Want to Touch your Skin of Sunshine.
I want to be the Submissive Sales Boy at Dilliard's
taking your Inseam Measurements who
Sells you a Nice pair of Cargo Shorts Seventy-Five Percent Off.
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