Yangfa's poetry is based on the grace that is found in misery; on the affirmation of life through the ackowledgement of despair. His poems are bloody in their frustrations, but very clear in their determination to find joy.
This isn't a new idea, of course. Self-help authors and Maya Angelou do it all the time. But unlike the average self-help author, Yangfa seems to be reasonably literate. And unlike Maya Angelou, he doesn't appear to be an utter fraud. (At least, I've never seen him with that insane help-me-I'm-miserable-and-I'm-trapped-inside-a-grinning-idiot expression that Angelou wears.)
Yangfa says: "I am 23, male, gay, vegan & don't particularly enjoy sex as much as I should or used to -- quite a troublesome combination really when you think about it. I really havent got an awful lot of interesting things to say about myself, because in actual fact I'm really not an interesting person by a long shot. Just ask Jonathan. Except what I've already said in my poems & the commentary I provide on them, I'd like the reader to get to know me through my poetry, & always welcome any comments or criticisms via email." His E-mail address is yfleow@yahoo.com.
Yangfa's works here at Unlikely Stories are:
July 1998 - July 1999:
Bad Trickery
Quiet Solitude
How Glad
And his commentary on his work.