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Los Angeles in Winter
the wise ones knew
it would take time for a woman to turn
but plans were made
to restock and upgrade the Korean massage parlors in the city
snow dusted the mountaintops during a night of cold rain in the Basin
downtown skyscrapers stood in the dark
the damp penetrated concrete , masonry and wood
crept in and inhabited everything
the pages of books and journals
clothing skin bones
large swaths of plastic were laid out on hillsides but mudslides in the night
silently crushed sleeping families
prostitutes toiled
the bottom feeders
the swimmers of the dark currents
and the fishermen of souls
all took comfort in the bad news from home
sleep stayed at a distance
was a companion that would not touch me
unknowable Creator
faceless One
in the blackness
the long deep howl of a lonely wolf
and wind scream
is that you mysterious One ?
the night gave way and the quiet broke
but there were no birdsongs this morning
dogs with surgically removed vocal chords barked
rasping like old men with visions which could not be enunciated
children left home for good
and young women were turned
on the horizon,
the refinery choked
on its own fumes,
it’s own discharge
middle aged johns drove to work
in sleek,
mid-size luxury cars
the water did its work carving its way into the roadway
everything just existed like unseeing, uncaring Nature
swift water rescue teams skimmed low over gurgling flood channels
cities and neighborhoods floated by
Inglewood, Torrance, Carson
low lying places
either baked by the sun
enveloped in haze or smog
or just drizzled on
cursory yards
barred windows
curtains closed
* * *
there is this place
where the freeway forms a beautiful floral pattern
where east-west and north-south directions cross each other
future ages,
uncovering such a structure,
will imagine it to be a monument to a great deity
a mighty elevated causeway for grand processions into a ceremonial center
which the archaeologists will never discover
if only they knew
how pedestrian we had become
just a glorified road
for solitary commuters
reporting to work
to cubicles
in industrial parks
after a period of years,
these archaeologists of future societies will
begin to piece together a more coherent picture of the North American
they might determine that in some of its large cities,
people traveled by underground trains,
but in this city,
at the edge of the ocean,
citizens typically traveled singly, in their own cars
it may not be known why they traveled great distances alone
they were not thought to have been nomadic
but they possessed a great need
to maintain a certain physical distance from one another
it may be theorized that such behavior was premonitory of a great revolt
there was no evidence
that this had been a beautiful city per-se architecturally
forensic analysts of the imagination might begin to express the view that it
was a beautiful city as it was envisioned individually by citizens in pursuit of
great dreams
never realized
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