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A Night Uptown
Doug Chase, the movie star of the Sixties, was nearing forty. His gay closeted secret was kept by the Hollywood publicity agents.
But Doug was lonely in his Manhattan apartment and often had to pay for sex.
He always chose guys who looked like him when he was younger and more popular – blond, slim, cool, yet muscular. He used to hang out at Arthur’s doing the Mosquito and the Gorilla.
Doug had all his rooms decorated with his movie posters, and risqué nude photos that his public would be shocked by.
He especially was flattered if the hustler was a fan of his, but now that happened less and less often, and he increasingly became a recluse and despondent.
This night Doug was particularly dour and he called up an escort service man he knew, and gave out his description for the man of his dreams.
About an hour later, Steve showed up. Doug was pleased for some human company.
“I’m Doug… Doug Chase.”
“Would you like a drink, Steve?”
Doug was amazed. Steve was the image and likeness of his youth.
“Wow, I hit the jackpot. You look like you could be my younger brother.”
“I am.”
“Come on. Don’t pull my arm.”
“I’m Steven Chase.” He wiggles his hip slightly.
“Go on! Steven, you couldn’t be in this line of work. I thought you were in show business on the West Coast.”
“Wasn’t making enough, bro.”
“You’re pulling my leg.”
“You want me too.”
“I’d feel kind of funny.”
“Why should you? You introduced me into gay sex from anus to zipper.”
“Go on. You’re either gay or you’re not.”
“At sixteen I didn’t know much.”
“Listen, I know your mother put you in a Catholic school and all that…”
“To keep me away from you.”
“You’re not my brother.”
“I thought you wanted me to be…”
“Oh, you’re a good actor… like any pro playing the part.”
Steve strips and gets into bed.
“I almost fell for that… at my time of life… I could fall for a lot… I guess you really are an actor.”
“I just started on the soaps.”
“You thought I wanted to feel guilty, is that it? No, I’m just horny.”
“And I’m only a body, right, for a hole in one. Is that it, Doug?”
“You know me…”
“I know every movie you ever made and all your moves. I’ve studied you.”
Steve starts to take Doug’s tie off.
“How did I do?”
“You were nominated twice for an Academy Award.”
“How come you are so sexy…”
“Am I, Doug?”
“You know you are… I need a houseboy.”
“And I need an apartment.”
“I need an alter ego… someone to present the image of who I once was.”
“I’m game.”
“Move in, mover.”
Steven pulls the blanket close to him.
“Move over.”
“Steve. This is more satisfying than an Oscar…”
“I hope in an hour you’ll still feel that way.”
“I don’t want you to go. I’m lonely, Steve. You should be confident.”
“It will cost you a lot.”
“I don’t care. I just can’t believe my luck.”
In the morning Steve leaves his card along with a note on the kitchen table.
“I have to go to the hospital for a blood test. But will be back tonight.”
Doug feels depressed. He waits for Steve, but Steve doesn’t show up. He calls the escort service, but Steve is no longer employed with them. Doug starts to call all the New York hospitals but knows no one will give him any private information.
Every day he watches the soaps.