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None For Me, Thanks
since my parenting skills
seem to lay mainly in the areas
of yelling and punishment
since there is no shortage
of dysfunctional families
out there already
since i have a vile temper
a mean streak a mile wide
little patience and less money
since i am one selfish bastard
and it would all be
one hell of an inconvenience
since i would detest having to
settle into some shitty job for the
long haul, no end in sight
since most of my favorite hobbies
like smokin', drinkin', gamblin', tokin'
would set a horrible example
since my creative life would
inevitably fall to the wayside so as
not to force a child into poverty
and most of all, since i had the
good sense to marry a woman
who feels the same way
i remain
and don't ask me
to babysit
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