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No Room
(Poem To Clayton Patterson)
Some hapless creature,
was murdered at four this morning
I heard
it flash orange
across the sky
as the screams
echoed widely
over the first arch of Dawn,
and I understood,
it was already too late.
Even so,
out of respect,
I would have collected the bones,
and put flowers over the eyes,
but they never would have fit in my basket
you remember the one,
I made for my dreams,
woven from the threads of unexplainable beauty,
I found being neglected in the middle of night,
way back in the days,
when I roamed free,
and could see in the dark,
and could live on my own blood.
Ah, but things change, don’t they Clayton?
I need that basket myself now,
for somewhere to put the mess,
the one I can’t clean,
since I don’t take Coke anymore.
why, I haven’t even dusted my piano since the old cat died,
But in my defense,
it might not be unfair to ask,
“How could I be expected
to take a chance
on tossing something
He may have touched
and in this way,
made sacred?”
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