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It's time for her to die.
I know, because I can see the rage,
The constant pain in her eyes.
Something in me
Wants to hang on
And not let her go.
But I can't let this want
Stop the hands of nature
Nor heap greater cruelty upon her.
I've let her linger for
Far too long, as it is,
Hoping for a recovery that will never come.
Some may mourn her passing.
More than I can possibly know.
But many more will not.
They never saw, will never see, the reinventions,
The tiny deaths and resurrections
That mar the timeline of her existence.
But I have borne them all.
Loved them all.
Mourned them all.
This death will be no different --
To stop the beating of a broken heart,
And let her rest for a time.
But she'll be back,
Or something like her.
Only you may not recognize her.
But I will.
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