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Poem for Lenny Bruce
Preach it brother
Put your mouth to steel mic
Tell your jokes man
in black & racist white
Step upon that stage in suit
Shiny shoes, cheeks of stubble
Make me laugh under your influence of booze
Bust a gut of blood on lap of Supreme Court Justice
Titty twisting family values
Dirty Lenny capitalized, handcuffed, bandwagoned
by badges, district attorney
Unrestricted artist pave the way for the Eddie Murphys
Andrew Dice Clays
Feed them 4th amendment rights
like breakfast cereal
stuff porno mags
down the president's pants.
Come to my birthday party
and perform your act
me a lullaby
Tell me
your knock
knock jokes
Take my
hand hard
in this unjust courtroom
Salute with
your masturbatory
we shall shoot heroin together
Sink into young groupies
Give it away beneath bathroom sink
This is the needle of the world that
pricks your veins.
The world tries to duct tape your mouth
for telling too many dick stories
Don't hide Lenny, in your LA mansion
that's just what they want.
Sit at your typewriter,
write your letters about persecution.
Eat your raisin cookies.
Liquor of choice trickles down your throat,
Big boy of open sores
Mother blue eyed
knock on your door letting you know
she's leaving
Conspiracy beasts
Lawyers killed you with their laws
Judges killed you with their judgments
Policemen killed you with their policed
Religious fanatics kill you with beating bible
Rotten tomatoes, heads of lettuce stain shiny black suit
Black & white mic shoved up Republican ass
Fight powers the powers that be in their cheap toupees
four eyed glasses
Make them suck your talented dick
I love you Lenny
I am the man who gives a fuck
Who sits writing this tribute poem
to you oh beautiful comedian of New York
Don't give your life away under kitchen sink
Tell me dirty jokes
I'll be waiting in your living room
practicing with applause
Wait desperately outside comedy clubs
for your autograph
Wait for you to kiss me
on the cheek and tell me that everything's going to be okay
Tuck me beneath blanket of red white & blue
read bedtime stories of half ass amendments
U.S Constitution broken down crashed glass
Say what you want Lenny
Tell those dirty jokes as I declare this Lenny Bruce day
Who never got a fare trial
Conspiracy theories run through liberal brain
of black dope
Great black dope of hope
who kicks the shit out of powers that be
This is how many times I've been arrested in one state
This is how many times I have said fuck Expose yourself to the world
This is how many times I have picked on a woman's tits
This is how many times I have ridiculed religion
Piss on floor of the Dick Cavett Show
Piss on pants leg of the self-righteous
Hang them high TV evangelist of 37
Speak your mind Lenny
Say what you feel
Take out your mic & speak
Fresh out of jail lets raise some hell
Cuss to your linoleum floor
Speak Lenny against fascism
Speak Lenny against organized religion
Speak Lenny against Christianity
Speak Lenny with insanity
Speak Lenny profanity profanity
Speak Lenny against apartheid
Speak Lenny tell the TRUTH
Speak Lenny against America Crucifixion
Speak Lenny against these picket signs
Speak Lenny & make George Washington cum
Speak Lenny for dead beatnik angels
Speak for black folks
Speak for yellow folks
Speak for red folks
Speak for slanted malnourished nation
Speak for the military fags
Speak against black violence
Speak for the black man dragged by
Texas Pick up truck
Speak for all the queers dead under gun, baseball bat
in alley way of night club
Tell my daddy your spic and span jokes
Teenage fools in trench coats
Speak against racism
Goddamned cowards covered in hood
Put out that burning cross Lenny
And speak your mind
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