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The Scent of Breath
I cannot forget what I was never
Meant to remember, the scent of breath frees
Me from the encumbrance of words. I re
Nounce this claim and all its renown, willing
Ly invoking your good name and seeking
Comfort, the sober good sense you once pro
Vided so unselfishly. Why did you
Leave me the encumbrance of words so
Very long ago? Why did you abscond
With the scent of breath and what draws you so
Near to me now when what was forgotten
Arises with all the irony and
Ire of a muffler choked round my throat?
I would dash to you in the most brilli
Ant way if I could. The fuchsia would blind
In its fury if it had some justi
Fication to upheave itself from its
Lung droop and acquire the scent of breath.
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